Sunday, July 17, 2011


'Love, to taste' will be a series of recipe's that I re-create and photograph. They may be tried & tested old favourites of mine, old traditional family recipe's I love, or maybe even new creations that work.

I love to cook for my family and friends, it is a passion for me and a creative outlet. I also love to write, and truly believe that every recipe has a story and if the partaker or re-creator knows that story it adds to the enchanment of the experience. So along with my recipe's will be stories and memories of what that recipe means to me.

I'd like to take this opportunity to name & thank (those of whom I can) my inspirations.
It all starts with the best cook I have ever known, my Nonna. Her food was meticulous, traditionally simple and always cooked with love for her family.
My Mum for sitting me on the stool in the kitchen from such an early age, teaching me all she knew and then handing over the wooden spoon.
My Dad for being the first male in my life to be willing to taste all of my creations and always be encouraging. He was a firm believer that if you cook with passion and love who you are cooking for, it will always work out.
My technologically genius husband John, who taught me how to blog and who continues to inspire me with every gratitude for the meal or baked good I give him.
Finally, to the future. My daughter Willow, who at only 2 years old is already displaying great interest in the kitchen. It brings me so much joy & feelings of love to see her smiling face as she makes cakes with mummy and learns everything I have to teach her.

So with the right ingredients, a correct method and Love, to taste, you have the recipe for inspiration. Enjoy!

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